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Steel structures are structures that conscious people prefer much more today. People prefer these structures for many different reasons. Let us talk to you about these reasons and these structures. The biggest reason why these structures are preferred by people is their durability. These structures are much stronger than reinforced concrete structures. Especially since Turkey is an earthquake zone, it is much more important for people to turn to steel in structures in Turkey. In addition, steel structures, which have a much lower cost than reinforced concrete structures, are safe. This is an indication that people can obtain a safer option at a lower cost.

The construction of a reinforced concrete structure takes a minimum of one month. That’s quite a long time for a job in a hurry. But the construction of a steel structure takes much less time. This makes steel structures much more advantageous in a job that needs to be started quickly. For this reason, these structures are quite logical options for many people. In addition, the most important features of these structures are their strength and flexibility. When a structure is both strong and flexible, it has two of the most sought-after features in earthquake zones. Let us give you more detailed information on this subject.

The duration of use of steel structures is one of the things that people are most curious about. However, contrary to what people think, steel structures are structures that can be used for quite a long time. In earthquake zones like Turkey, a reinforced concrete building is dangerous after 25 years. But a steel structure has a minimum life of 60 years. This is quite enough time for a building. This is the minimum time we’re talking about. This period may be extended depending on the quality of the steel used. Living in a safer home or working in a safer workplace at more affordable prices is a huge advantage. But first, people need to learn about this subject.